Lent 2025

Ash Wednesday, March 5, 2025

4:00-5:30pm Imposition of Ashes “to go.”

Pastor Doug will be available at the sanctuary entrance for prayer and ashes for those who cannot attend worship.

5:30pm Ash Wedneday Worship

Join the people of Faith for a worship service of scriptures, prayers, songs, and the Imposition of Ashes:

Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return…

Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust…

Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust…

Wednesdays in Lent (March 12-April 9, 2025)

3:00pm Faith Choir Rehearsal (SANC)

Barbie Nesmith and Janna Wood lead and accompany a 90 minute rehearsal of the Faith Lutheran Church adult choir. The choir sings for Sunday morning worship twice a month, and will also sing a piece for Good Friday. No experience necessary!

5:30pm Holden Evening Prayer ‘86 (SANC)

Gather in the sanctuary at 5:30pm for Evensong: Prayers for Peace, Sacred Readings, and Songs of Hope. This year we return to a favorite evening prayer liturgy: Holden Evening Prayer, written in 1986 by Marty Haugen.

6:00pm Community Meal (GYM)

Following worship, gather in the Gym/Fellowship Hall for a simple meal prepared by and shared with youth and families gathering for their regular Wednesday night youth activities.

6:00pm-8:00pm Youth Group (GYM)

Faith welcomes all youth, ages 10-18, for a weekly gathering of food, community building, games, and faith formation. Led by Marissa and Chris Walker and Shaye and Chris Frost. Parents also enjoy this time of conversation and friendship.

7:00pm AA (Room 1)

Faith hosts a weekly 12 step group in Room 1 (across from Pastor Doug’s Office).

Good Friday Worship, April 18, 2025, 12noon, honoring the death of Jesus on the cross.

Easter Sunday Worship, April 20, 2025, 10:00am, celebrating the empty tomb and risen Christ Jesus!

Christ is Risen.

Christ is Risen Indeed!