It's in the Way

It's in the Way

Cutting out the prejudice from your life gives you a new way of seeing not only those who were the target of your prejudice but also the view of life that flows together unencumbered by a negative or obscured attitude. One of the best ways to do this is to get to know the other person, understand what makes him or her that way, and pray constantly that God will help you see others as God sees them!

The Power of Touch

The Power of Touch

In Africa the same plight awaits anyone who has leprosy. There was a Leprosy Center near where we lived in Bong County, Liberia in the 1980s. I went there once a month to be with the Lepers, to bring them God’s Word, Holy Communion, and to sit beside them and touch them as they suffered not only from their leprosy but from being ostracized from society.



Families. Sometimes they are difficult, yet always a blessing. A family may be dysfunctional or difficult, just like the families in the Bible. God gives us family so that we are not alone, have people to care about, protect, and forgive when they behave other than what God would have them be. Give God thanks. Do your best to bring goodness and hope to those you love—to your family.

God is in your midst

God is in your midst

To be amidst evil, victims of power struggles, and thrown into political, economic, and cultural clashes is difficult. It is to those who suffer the most that God reminds us that God is in our midst. Through the prophet Zephaniah, God says, “I will deal with your oppressors…I will save the lame and gather the outcast…I will change their shame into praise and renown in all the earth…”

Welcome Home!

Welcome Home!

Marty Haugen wrote the song that expresses this message. Called “All Are Welcome”, it is found in the ELW 641. The first verse:

Let us build a house where love can dwell and all can safely live,
A place where saints and children tell how hearts learn to forgive.
Built of hopes and dreams and visions, rock of faith and vault of grace;
Here the love of Christ shall end divisions:
All are welcome, all are welcome, all are welcome in this place.