Ash Wednesday 2022 Schedule

Please know that the leaders and people of Faith Lutheran Church hold you in God's Light during yet another season of disturbance and sorrow.

Tomorrow, Ash Wednesday (March 2), Faith will be open for prayer and worship.

Noon to 1pm: The church will be open during the noon hour for quiet prayer and we will offer the imposition of ashes and Holy Communion at that time.

Evening Activities:

6pm, Youth games

6:30pm, Soup Supper

7:15pm, Ash Wednesday Worship, "Beneath the Cross of Jesus." This will be an interactive service of song and prayer that gives opportunity to share our sorrow and prayers for peace, for health, for wholeness and life in a time of continuing struggle and dis-ease. Livestreamed at FLC's Facebook Page: HERE

Be blessed and encouraged, friends. You are Beloved of God. No matter what. Welcome Home.

Pastor Brenda