2023 Cottage Meetings: Holy Hospitality

Over the past few weeks, members of the BIC committee have led 11 small group meetings, which included more than 75 members, continuing to explore the concept of “Holy Hospitality”.

During these meetings, the groups read the familiar parable of The Good Samaritan (Luke 10) and reflected on God’s calling for us to extend Welcome and Hospitality to our neighbors. The groups shared personal stories of welcome including times when they felt accepted and included, and times when they felt excluded, rejected or left out. These personal stories allowed the group to reflect on God’s presence in our daily lives. After sharing scripture and personal stories, the groups discussed three questions: How is Faith being called to be a Welcoming congregation? Who are Faith’s neighbors? How is God calling us to serve our neighbors?

The BIC committee would like to thank everyone who was able to participate in the Cottage meetings. The committee will report to the Council on Wednesday, December 14, with recommendations for specific ways Faith can extend and communicate our commitment to being a truly welcoming community.

If you were not able to attend a Cottage Meeting, there is a handout and form both online (CLICK HERE) and in the church office that you can use to provide written comments. Pastors Doug and Brenda are also available for individual conversations.

The BIC committee continues to pray for God’s guidance and presence as are we reflect on the suggestions, ideas, and concerns shared in the cottage meeting conversations. The BIC Team will meet on Monday, December 11, to finalize its recommendations.

God’s Blessings, Kathie Olson