Peace, Joy, and Vigor!

 Matthew 6:25, 32

"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, or about your body, what you will wear...  your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.


In the mid 1990’s, my husband and I walked barefoot along the Oregon Coast. We covered over 125 miles this way. I found a memoir recalling how one week early in this adventure I hiked four days on the beach.  Each day took an effort to get out of bed early for hiking. But the moment my bare feet hit the cool wet sand and the breeze ruffled my hair, I experienced a tremendous sense of peace, joy, and vigor.


The PEACE came in the form of a sense of awe for the beauty and vastness of God’s world and my soul sang, “How Great Thou Art!” I saw myself in proportion to all of God’s creation and my worries, fears and needs took on a new perspective.  I realized in a new way that God is in charge if I will only put myself in God’s care and I remember Matthew 6:25,32: “Do not worry…”


Then came the JOY -- sheer joy.  I began to sing out loud: “O, the Lord is good to me and so I thank the Lord, for giving me the things I need...”  I felt like dancing, running, and jumping all at once.


The freshness of the morning air, the presence of God, and the sense of peace brought me VIGOR and energy. I praised God for what is and will be and thanked God for what had been. The entire experience became a prayer to God! This is prayer at its best!


The entire trip became an experience of finding God, praising God, and experiencing his presence in our walks along the Oregon coast. It is a joy, peace, and vigor that comes when we include God in the events and everydayness of our lives. Joy and peace help us see God as the giver and provider of all that is good.


Prayer: You, O God, accompany us along our journeys whether we know it or not! Thank you for being with me each day of my life! Amen.