The Real Wrath of God

Luke 19:41-44

If we speak of an angry God at all, we will speak of a God angry at indifference, angry at apathy, angry at racism and violence, angry at inhumanity, angry at waste, angry at destruction, angry at injustice, angry at hostile religious clannishness. That anger is never against US (or THEM); it is against WHAT IS AGAINST us (and them). It is not out to destroy us; it is out to destroy what is out to destroy us.

—Brian McLaren, Why Did Jesus, Moses, the Buddha, and Mohammed Cross the Road?, pp. 259-260.

And so, God came in and through Jesus to show us how we are to live. We are to be angry along with God at indifference, apathy, racism, violence, injustice and all the other evil attitudes and powers that constantly invade our lives and the lives of others. So, we find Jesus, weeping over Jerusalem for their behavior that does not exude peace. Jesus walks beside the have-nots, eating with them, speaking out against the religious and political powers that would impoverish them.

As followers of Jesus, what can we do? I believe we can stand up for those who are on the receiving side of hate, violence, and injustice. We can challenge hurtful policies of government and insensitive attitudes by those in power who care more for their freedom and their positions than for those who disagree or get in their way. As citizens of the U.S.A., ask what kind of world and nation God would have. Then vote accordingly. Speak and act in alignment with God’s vision.

Yes, God can be angry. Jesus never said that some folks are “in” and others are “out.” God is angry at the hateful, vengeful words we often speak against others. How sad God must be when he hears the political parties or religious leaders, whether Christian, Jewish, Muslim, or others, bash one another. 

God calls us to be his helpers to work to bring peace and harmony into our homes, our communities, our nation, and our world. We must demonstrate God’s will through our daily actions. It all must begin with us for who else does God have to do his work on this earth?

Prayer: Let there be peace on this earth, O God. Let it begin with me. Amen.