New Life, Again!

John 11:25
Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live.”

This spring we have been watching the earth come to life—again! It always amazes us to see what seemed to be so dead, slowly bring on life. The trees begin their budding process before bursting into white or pink flowers or that bright green that just screams “new life!” The rhododendrons are beginning to bud—and today, the one in our backyard is bursting into a brilliant red and another is in full bloom in brilliant lilac colors!

We just celebrated Easter—again! Easter morning is special. There is a newness in the air, an eagerness to put on new clothes, bring family members, and gather in the church decorated with flowers and white paraments. We sing our Alleluias and raise our hands and give thanks to God for Jesus and the gift of forgiven life and hope for our world! 

One of my favorite Easter songs was written by John MacLeod Campbell Crum about 75 years ago! Called “Now the Green Blade Rises”, it compares the mysteries of new life in the springtime with the story of Jesus from grave to life again—resurrection. As Jesus was buried in the grave “love by hatred slain”, no one thought they would ever see Jesus again. But the grave was like the grain or bulbs that are buried deep within the earth throughout the winter. Like the green blade of new growth rises from the ground, so too Jesus rises from death to life, our living Lord and Savior.

It is the hope we have as well. The writer concludes, “When our hearts are wintry, grieving, or in pain/your touch can call us back to life—again!” Praise God, He lives!  Praise God, we too find life in Christ.