Ash Wednesday Worship Resources

Our Ash Wednesday service will be at noon on February 17, 2021: in person (wear a mask!) and livestreamed on Facebook.

Religion and ritual often give outward, shared expression to profound inner realities. On this day, dust and ashes express our own and our community’s confusion, division, fear, lack of understanding, grief, anger, despair. Together in heart and spirit if not in body, we return to God, powerless over this unmanageable life and world, seeking the power and hope of our Creator, Savior, and Living Spirit to save and sustain us all.


This service can be as interactive as you want to make it. Gather a candle or two, a cross of some sort, a small bowl or cup of water, dust or ash mixed with oil (a dab of cocoa powder or mascara works, too), and perhaps paper or your journal, even art supplies(!) for prayers. We will also share communion, so have bread and wine ready if you wish.

Click here to visit our Facebook page, where the service will be streamed