Devotional and Coloring Resources for Lent

Dear Friends and Families of Faith Lutheran of Shelton,

Happy Spring! It’s been a while since our bonfires last fall: what beautiful evenings they were! Light and life are returning to the land—and hopefully, we will be together in person soon.

In the meantime, we offer your household some devotions and coloring pages to connect with each other and the love of God through the Easter Story. Illustrated Stations of the Cross introduce us to the people and events of Jesus’ Way through Jerusalem to the hill where he died and invite us to celebrate his resurrection on Easter Morn. 

We have mailed out paper copies of the following:

  • 8 ½ x 11 coloring pages of the Stations of the Cross, both simple and more complex.

  • Devotions for kids and adults: super conversation starters that fit beautifully into the Faith5 (SHARE highs and lows, READ scripture, TALK about it, PRAY for each other, BLESS each other) we practice at FLC. Use some or all of the 15 entries!

Please email if you haven’t received these and would like us to send (or re-send) some copies.

Digital copies of the coloring pages and the devotional are available on the church website if you need more (please see our weekly email for the password).

Help us out with Holy Week? We’re looking for readers (young, old, and in-between) and singers for Holy Week Zoom worship.

God bless each and all of you, dear friends! We hold you in Light and Hope of new beginnings and re-openings soon to come, and in eager expectation of connecting with you during this Holy Week and Easter season.

Yours in Christ, 

Pastor Brenda
Pastor Brenda Satrum, Spiritual Formation